Sphynxtember part 1
Hey SphynxGang! This is the latest events update!
We have entered #BlackLivesMatter community and made an interview about sphynx network, for being top nominee in “startups of the year” bucharest-romania
- Hackernoon’s startups of the year is sponsored by — among other sponsors — Blockster.com — a social media platform for all things crypto and venture capital related.
Sphynx Network benefits of:
1. discoverd by vc’s for investment
2. an ask me anything session
3. a banner ad space on their platform
4. verified checkmark on blockster company page
soon the proof of all 4 above, for now we have just the email saying so.
Watcher guru promoted section
https://watcher.guru/ (remember to vote it)
Booked 3 youtubers, we are at 6 youtubers this month. 2 of them already posted the videos
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h4S5_PcGHKQ ( this one is russian, sphynx is going international!)
Monday or tuesday we are going to have a podcast with a very important influencer, not youtuber, but real influencer, a local one, everyone knows him so stay tunned!
10 billion SPH airdrop x Coinmarketcap airdrop event, ranking SPH in Coinmarketcap by adding it to watchlist, followers on twitter, retweets about SPH, followers on Youtube, Facebook and Instagram.
Applied for syrup pools (staking on Pancakeswap) will get the traction and visbility form PancakeSwap community. waiting for their reply, might need to bid for a pool, but waiting to see exactly.